Nerd Cakes
If you are a geek, or you know one, you should get that person a specially made nerdy cake for their birthday. Maybe a cake with Mario on it or how about a Mac-Mini cake? I searched the internet for some of the best cakes I’ve seen on the internet in the past year and I’m posting them here for you now. Check ’em out.
Here is a cake designed as the insides of a computer
The Daleks were a mutant race whose main goal was world domination. Are you old enough to remember Dr. Who? I am…barely.
I love Futurama. I still watch the repeats as often as possible.
Would you like a cake made of video game consoles for your wedding? If you can’t tell what they are, it is a Game Cube on top of an Xbox on top of a Playstation 2 on top of an Xbox 360. Thats a whole lot of “on top of’s”.
I can’t afford an iPhone, but this cake might be in my budget…might.
From what I understand, this cake was cut with a laser. This is the Engadget logo, a very nerdy blog, that I admit to reading.
I like the Mac Mini’s, but I really want a Mac G5 Tower.
You’ve gotta know this one. This is a cake of Max Rebo of the Max Rebo Band in Star Wars.
I’ve still never managed to complete a Rubiks cube, but eating one is a whole ‘nother story. I’d destroy that delicious looking cake.
This volcano cake reminded me of when I created a volcano for the science fair in 5th grade. My volcano didn’t taste good though…or work for that matter. At least I got a blue participation ribbon. 🙁
I know this isn’t the greatest looking cake, but it shows just how much people really love their games. The controllers don’t look too bad though, do they?
Everyone loves Mario, and this cake is just awesome.
I hope you enjoyed these cakes and now I hope I get a nerdy cake for my birthday…hint, hint.