If you are a designer in any shape or form, there’s one site out there that you need to keep in your arsenal. Skout’s tagline is “resources + for designers + by designers” and they aren’t kidding either. Skout has links to tons of websites that can help any person who works or has a hobby in a creative field.
Here’s a list of the categories they offer sources in:
- Fonts (free and commercial)
- Color tools
- Icons
- Stock Photography
- Stock Illustrations
- Photograpers
- Patterns
- Textures
- Print Tutorials
- Web Tutorials
- Text Generators
- Web Tools
- Frameworks / Web
- Libraries / Web
- Sounds
- Typography
- Photoshop Brushes
- Magazines
- Downloads / Misc.
- Wallpapers
- Inspiration
How’s that list for ya? You’re probably saying “holy crap” by now, just like I did, and you’re getting ready to add the site to your bookmarks. Even if you don’t do design work, there are so many great resources here, you might just want to consider it because anything you need is being handed right to you. Have fun!
Holy Crap!
thanks for ‘spreading tha luv’ – you rock!