A friend of mine just launched a website, Zach is Still Hungry, which is basically a review site for food he’s eaten at various restaurants, bars, bakeries, etc. He lives in Colorado so most of the reviews are local, but he does seem to travel often and he also reviews restaurant chains, so anyone in the U.S. should get some good info.
He reviewed some food he had at one of his family members homes once, and it sounded really good. I told him that he should try to get the recipes and post ’em on the website, but there’s still nothing there, so I guess he didn’t have much luck. Oh well.
He makes everything he eats sound really, really good too, and I’m sure by the end of each post, you’ll be starving. Now I’m hungry thinking about his reviews. He updates the site regularly so check it out. As much as this guy eats, you’d be surprised that he’s not fat.
Thanks for the post Alex. I actually have taken your advice and will be starting a recipe section that features some of my wife’s Japanese/American fusion treats.
Nice, I can’t wait to check it out (mmm)