Are you a beer drinker? I am.
I was gonna post only that, but I couldn’t help but divulge in my latest discovery, Beer Voice, a place to share and keep track of the beer I drink. For beer drinkers around the world, this website is awesome.
The home page looks like it’s aggregating posts from Twitter or something, but it’s not. This is just the design of the site, which I didn’t really like at all. I almost instantly closed my browser after seeing it because I thought it was just another Twitter search scraper.
At the top of the home page you can search for any beer that comes to mind. Their system will find whatever you’re looking for and provide you with details such as ABV %, beer type, brewery and reviews, if there are any. If there aren’t any reviews yet, you’re free to post your own.
If you’re just looking to try something new, check out all of the latest reviews on the home page. Find a good one and hit your nearest liquor warehouse. I have a friend (with the same blog theme as I do, oddly enough) who does beer reviews all the time that should become a member here and school some peeps.