I don’t mean my own site or a book I’ve never started writing, but instead a book and website that go by those names.
Fuck This Website is a site dedicated to funny pictures taken of signs that have had one of their words replaced by the word “Fuck,” thereby making it utterly hilarious.
The site was created by Bodhi Oser who thought it wold be funny one day to print out a bunch of stickers with the word Fuck on them, place them on various signs and take photos.
“It quickly turned into an obsession, and I ended up with a book.”
Last year, Oser turned to the visitors of the website and readers of the book to create their own Fuck This pictures and send them in, for the chance to have them published in the second book, which I believe will be called Fuck This Book Too.
The deadline was June 2008, which you’ll find out when you visit the site, but nothing on the site seems to be updated, so I have no idea how the second book is coming along.
Check out the site for tons of pictures, submission details for the book and a place to purchase the stickers.
Now find the perfect signs, grab your camera and get your fuck on.