If you have any interest in the web design world, you’ve likely heard of Sitepoint. They have lots of great books which you can find at places like Borders or you can buy them directly from their website. They also have some very helpful forums on their site where you can ask questions about design, Internet marketing or anything else related to the web and creativity.
I actually own several of the books that have been released under the Sitepoint name and they really helped me out in my beginning days of becoming an SEO. They are usually my go-to guys when it comes to web design books and I bet their Internet marketing books are just as good, although everyhing I learned as an SEO was from experience.
Anyway, this post isn’t all about kissing Sitepoint’s ass, but about letting you know that they are giving away one of their books for free to anyone who sends them their email address or follows them on Twitter. I would recommend Twitter because Twitter is just so freakin’ awesome 🙂
The book is titled The Art & Science of CSS and you get the book for free for the next 14 days. The book is only in PDF format though, but what do you expect for free. Visit that link above for details or follow Sitepoint on Twitter.
By the way, this entire post was written on my iphone and took quite a long time. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the iphone had copy & paste functionality though. Typing up URLs is just a painful experience.