Have you seen Google’s logo today?
It’s in celebration of the life of Les Paul, who was born today on June 9, 1915. He’s one of the most innovative artists in the history of music. Heck, one of the worlds most popular electric guitars, the Gibson Les Paul, was invented by the man himself!
Anyway, back to the Google logo. It’s a playable guitar!
You can play either by dragging your mouse cursor over the strings or using your keyboard. To use your keyboard, just make sure to click outside of the search box or else you’ll type of bunch of gibberish into the search engine 😉
There’s a record button too if you want to share your music with friends. Here’s mine (it’s as far as I can get on the National Anthem) – http://goo.gl/doodle/i0qN
Update: The logo was so popular that Google gave it its own dedication page so that we can play for as long as we want! Check it out at http://www.google.com/logos/2011/lespaul.html