You’re used to coming in at the same time everyday, but sometimes things come up and it would be better if you could just come in a little later or maybe earlier.
I’ve had this very same issue quite a few times when I used to work in a warehouse, when the foreman wasn’t so forgiving of changing my hours. Hell, he’d get pissed off if I needed to come in 5 minutes late, for the first time ever in five years if I didn’t have someone to cover for me.
If you need someone to cover for you and you’re willing to take over their shift, you should take a look at This is basically a central hub where workers and managers can post and find shifts to be filled.
Go to the site and post a shift and HaveMyShift will send out an email to registered users in the same area. The basic service is free or you can pay an extra $5 to post an “emergency shift” if something sprung up out of nowhere. This extra charge will place your listing above all others and make it much more likely to be picked up by someone else.
So what if nobody you work with is on the site? Well, you’re going to have to try to get them to sign up. Mention the service to HR or to your boss. Tell them about the convenience of the service and maybe they’ll bring it up at the next meeting. Or just start spreading the word.