Do I have any younger visitors on this site? I have no idea, but if so, this post is for you. Or maybe not, because if you are a teenager you might already know about the sites I’m about to mention. Anyway, from a post on trendcentral they mention that the Nielsen ratings show that these sites are among the most popular among teens. Here they are in order of popularity.
- is a collection of punk music lyrics in all forms and subgenres. I didn’t know teens were that much into punk music. I guess it is a rebellious type of music, maybe that’s why.
- Snapvine is a service that allows you to place a Voice Player on your social networking pages that will let you communicate between your friends, using your mobile phone. You can leave voice comments for your friends so that they can see and here you. Sounds fun!
-, which by the way has an extremely ugly entrance page, is a place where you can find pre-made Myspace layouts, a layout creator, images that you can use, tutorials, and more social network profile creating tools.
These sites may be targeted towards teens, but I definitely think that many people out there would love to check ’em out. I think they all sound fun. I’m too lazy to change my Myspace page anymore though.